Today i was working with the PreferenceActivity where you can create you preference screen automatically with xml. Nice solution to not store and load your settings each time manually. I missed a number picker widget. There are only a few you can use, as for example EditTextPreference or CheckBoxPreference. So i had no choice and […]
Author Archives: leonar.d
payleven’s mPos SDK
What is this article about? Three years ago i did an internship at payleven when their first app came out. Now they launched their mPos SDK. I was curious and I tried it out in my free time between the semesters. What does payleven do? payleven allows you to accept card and cash payments with […]
raspberry pi + xbmc + amazon prime instant
The amazon instant video streaming launched their services in germany about one month ago. I don’t have a playstation or a xbox to stream it directly to my tv so i wanted to stream it via my raspberry pi using xbmc. I could not find a plugin so I decided to make one by myself. […]
broken links when fetching url with urllib2 python ISO-8859-15 to utf-8
I had a little annoying issue which was a simple encoding error. I’m not a python expert and i tried to read a webpage via urllib2 in python. Let’s see what i did: import urllib2 req = urllib2.Request(url) response = urllib2.urlopen(req) content = response.close() When i tried to work with my webpage i got […]
Ubuntu eduroam wifi does not connect
My Ubuntu 13.04 didn’t connect to the “eduroam”(“wwu”) wifi. It tried to auto-configurate the connection as android, ios, firefoxos, windows and mac do pretty well, but ubuntu failed. First you have to download a certificate which should provide your university. I had to choose between three different certificates, i downloaded them all and tried them […]
tower of hanoi
I think every one of you knows the tower of hanoi. You have three rods and three or more disks of different sizes. The objective is to move every disks to the third rod, but you can’t put a bigger disk onto a smaller disk. Our professor taught us, that methods in java can be […]
Age of empires II graphic bug windows 7
This bug is really annoying. If you see it, you’ll agree with me. Just put the following code into notepad, save it, as “start.bat”, place it next to the .EXE file. Just start our new .bat file. For Aoe II @echo off taskkill /f /IM explorer.exe empires2.exe start explorer.exe For Aoe II the conquerors @echo […]
Hamachi Error 1053 on Windows 8
These days I found my old Age of empires II Cd’s and i called my friends to play together as we did some years ago. I installed the latest version of Hamachi on Windows 8 (i use linux, but W8 was already installed and i kept it to play). I always got a message “Failed […]
using strings to communicate with arduino
It’s not possible to interact with strings, because arduino receives char by char, but there is a way to work around this problem. The communication with the Arduino is simple. You usually get one char/byte, compare it to a predefined command in your code and do something. Now if you want to move for example […]